Documentation for draw (Was Re: plotting implicit functions)

>>>>> "Mario" == Mario Rodriguez <biomates at> writes:

    Mario> Yes, play with options ip_grid and ip_grid_in:

    Mario> load(draw) $ draw2d(
    Mario>     ip_grid = [60,60], ip_grid_in = [10,10],
    Mario>     implicit(x^2+y^2=1, x, -2, 2, y, -2, 2));

    Mario> To read the available documentation, type

    Mario> ? implicit ? ip_grid ? ip_grid_in

Since I don't use draw very often, I always have a hard time
remembering how to use it.  The documentation for draw2d is really
sparse.  I think it would help a lot for the causal user like me if
the documentation for draw2d explicitly mentions looking at gr2d to
find all the possible options for objects.  Yes, the doc does mention
draw and gr2d, but as a cross-reference and draw is mentioned first.
