piecewise function with integrals

  I am trying to define a piecewise function which include integral. I
first make a few assumptions:

assume (tau>0);
assume (T>0);
assume (T>tau);

  then define my function as

Vm(I0, a, b, tau, T, w,k, t):=if t<=tau then integrate
(2*k*I0*a*tt*cos(w*(t-tt)),tt,0,t) else  integrate
(2*k*I0*a*tt*cos(w*(t-tt)),tt,0,tau) + integrate

  If I ask maxima to evaluate Vm(I0, a, b, tau, T, w,k, t) I still get
if t<=tau then integrate(2*a*tt*cos((t-tt)*w)*I0,tt,0,t) else

  I would however expect maxima to carry this integral: if I do a

  I get


  So why when I type Vm(I0, a, b, tau, T, w,k, t) I do not get a
result where the integral have been evaluated --  something like

if t<=tau then 2*a*(1/w^2-cos(t*w)/w^2)*I0 else

  Although this is not a big deal (I can redefine my function with the
integral worked out), I am wondering what I am missing. Thank you for
any help/suggestion,

               -- Philippe.

Philippe Piot,

Northern Illinois University, Dept of Physics and
Northern Illinois Center for Accelerator & Detector Development
DeKalb, IL 60115, USA
Tel: 815 753 6473, Fax: 815 753 1772
Web:  http://www.physics.niu.edu/physics/

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
Accelerator Physics Center, MS 306
PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA
Tel: 630 840 6389, Fax 630 840 5231
Web:  http://apc.fnal.gov/