Conditionals and logic was Re: piecewise function with integrals
Subject: Conditionals and logic was Re: piecewise function with integrals
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 12:47:19 -0800
There are a variety of conditional concepts in popular use.
There is the "case" construct which might look like
case( [x<0, -x], [x>=0, x])
which would be a definition of abs(x) and might be simplified to
There is a lisp programming language if which might look like this:
if test then [ test is anything other than the canonical value
#false} else [test is exactly #false]
There is a more generic if
if test then [ test is exactly the canonical value #true } else
[test is exactly #false] error [test results in an error signal] failure
[test is inconclusive]
which is implemented in Maxima via prederror.
There are post-expression conditionals also, which I think we found
essential in Tilu (table of integrals lookup),
like the transformation (x^2-1)/(x+1) simplifies to the result "
x+1 unless x= -1"
This kind of expression (actually expression + assumptions made during
is not something that is easy to do, but (as I've expressed previously)
might solve difficult
problems that are present in computer algebra systems.
RD wrote...
On a bit of a tangent -- a proposal was floated a while ago to make
"and", "or" and "not"
simplifying commutative operators, and create new ones "and_then",
"or_else" as short-circuit operators
. Makes sense to me, and it probably wouldn't really be a lot of work.
best, Robert Dodier _
I think that if one wishes to introduce simplifying boolean commutative
operators, it is
easy to do (and I seem to recall has been done at least once). I think
that changing
the existing and/or/not is an incompatible change that would break some
There seem to me to be at least 2 versions that would be useful. The
logical binary
bit-masking kind of thing given in common lisp as boole-* e.g. boole-ior
and a stand-in for the logic symbols in expressions that have
indeterminates in them.
e.g. lor (land(a,b)),land(c,d))
and then you can do things like distribute, re-order, use deMorgan's
law, etc etc.
There is a huge literature on the simplification of boolean expressions in
circuit analysis. This stuff can be represented in various canonical or
ways in Maxima, and there are many algorithms available for messing with it.
A proposal that seriously addresses these types of computations using
Maxima as
a front end might be interesting.
A proposal to just include a handful of functions to do very simple
logical operations
like logical AND: land(A,A) --> A is less interesting. In the context
of Maxima, I think it would be
more plausible to say land(A,A)-> "A, assuming A has type logical
value T or F and is
an expression that is evaluated with no side effects". In the context
of boolean
logic simplification, those assumptions are given.