Subject: [PATCH] Errors with bern() and zerobern:false
From: Kris Katterjohn
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 17:02:27 -0600
Hi Robert,
On 01/27/2013 11:30 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 2013-01-28, Kris Katterjohn <katterjohn at> wrote:
>> The combination of bern() and zerobern:false lead to incorrect results and
>> Lisp errors.
> Kris, thanks for working on this problem. I think it's worth fixing. Can
> you also include some test cases to verify that bern works as expected?
I've attached a patch to add some tests to the test suite for both bern and
euler (I didn't see any explicit tests for either of them), with and without
zerobern:false. Notes:
* I put them in rtest16.mac, after a previous test involving bernpoly and
zerobern. I'm not sure how you all feel about the order of the tests.
* The tests just compare the return values from bern and euler to that of some
values in Table 23.2 in A&S, which is similar to what it seems like some other
tests do. I'm not sure if anything more elaborate is desired.
Let me know if I should change anything, or if you just have something else in
> best,
> Robert Dodier
Kris Katterjohn
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