CL float with mapcar?

Paul Graham, Ansi Common Lisp, p. 144, has
an example of applying float to a lisp list using
mapcar, but it doesn't seem to work for me
using maxima in lisp mode:
MAXIMA> (float 2/3)

MAXIMA> (mapcar #'float '(1 2/3 .5))

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Error in FUNCTION [or a callee]: The function FLOAT is undefined.

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
MAXIMA> (to-maxima)

Returning to Maxima
(%o4) true
(%i5) (display2d:true,build_info());
Maxima version: "5.28.0-2"
Maxima build date: "2012-08-27 23:16:48"
Host type: "i686-pc-mingw32"
Lisp implementation type: "GNU Common Lisp (GCL)"
Lisp implementation version: "GCL 2.6.8"
Ted Woollett