CL float with mapcar?

Since *read-default-float-format* is double-float (but this depends on lisp
implementation, it's true in GCL, not in Clozure CL ***),
it's possible to simply write

    (mapcar #'cl:float '(1 2/3 .5))

But if the above depends on impementation, what about:

    MAXIMA> (macroexpand '(float 1/3));
    (LISP:FLOAT 1/3 1.0)

LISP package is found in GCL, not in CCL, and of course, 1.0 is also a
default float.

***) For some reason, *read-default-float-format* is double-float in
Maxima, but single-float in standalone GCL,
but anyway single-float = double-float = long-float in both, as seen with

    (typep 1.0 'long-float)
    (typep 1.0 'double-float)
    (typep 1.0 'single-float)

So 1.0 1e0 1d0 1l0 are the same, and 1s0 is a short-float, smaller than the


2013/1/31 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>

> >>>>> "Edwin" == Edwin Woollett <woollett at> writes:
>     Edwin> Paul Graham, Ansi Common Lisp, p. 144, has
>     Edwin> an example of applying float to a lisp list using
>     Edwin> mapcar, but it doesn't seem to work for me
>     Edwin> using maxima in lisp mode:
>     Edwin> -------------------------------------
>     MAXIMA> (float 2/3)
>     Edwin> 0.66666666666666663
>     MAXIMA> (mapcar #'float '(1 2/3 .5))
>     Edwin> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>     Edwin> Error in FUNCTION [or a callee]: The function FLOAT is
> undefined.
> MAXIMA::FLOAT[1] is a macro.  You probably want to say
> (mapcar #'cl:float '(1 2/3 .5))
> But note that this will convert rationals to single floats, not
> double.  If you want doubles you can say
> (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (float x)) '(1 2/3 .5))
> (This works because it uses Maxima's FLOAT macro.)
> Having said that, I think we should probably make MAXIMA::FLOAT a
> function and either declare it inline or add a compiler-macro for it
> to expand into (cl::float x y).
> Ray
> Footnotes:
> [1]  I think I added that long ago because there was lots of confusion
>      in the code that expected (float x) to return a double, which is
>      not what maxima wanted.
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