Dear Wilhelm san,
Could you please share the information of the details of your device?
- device product name (such as ASUS Google Nexus 7)
- Android OS version (such as 4.2.1)
- the version of Maxima on Android you are using
This will help me to start the investigation.
Yasuaki Honda, Chiba, Japan
2013/1/30 Wilhelm Haager <wilhelm.haager at>:
> Hi,
> I have a question about graphics in Maxima for Android
> (especially to the author of that great app);
> perhaps anybody knows an answer:
> Whe I make a plot, a separate graphics window opens;
> with the back-softbutton I can return to Maxima,
> but the graphics still remains in background.
> When I try to produce another graphic,
> Maxima hangs and does not respond any more.
> How can that be fixed?
> Is it possible to "kill" the graphic explicitely
> in order to be able to produce another graphic?
> Thanks in advance,
> wilhelm Haager
> (wilhelm.haager at
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