Question about cancelling out units

Dear Edward,

Thanks a lot! This has solved most of my problems - there was a second
one (maxima did insist in using other units than I am used to, which was
solved by setunits([kilometer,second]). 
For the last problem I had to solve I have a question, though:
Do you - or does anybody else in this list - know if there is a good
reason why unit.mac cannot automatically do a 


and so on? Without this assumption

results in:
instead of:
 2 ohm
since maxima has no way of determining if 2*ohm is positive or negative.
Not defining units to be positive or negative sounds right at the first
sight. But it prevents from optimizing things like (a*|ohm|*a*ohm)/(a*|
ohm|+a*ohm) and tends to provoke errors when a is assigned a value.


Just for interest: Both the source of unit.mac and the manual seem to
indicate that


should enable me to use units like picrofarad or femtogram but in
reality doesn't seem to define these units.
Does anybody know if I got something wrong or if I found a bug? 

Thanks again,
Kind regards,


Am Mittwoch, den 23.01.2013, 11:11 -0800 schrieb Edward A Romana:
> ~~
> Gunter
> First load the units program 
> (%i1) load("C:/~path/bsiunits.mac")$
> [meter,kilogram,second,ampere,kelvin,mol,candela]
> "Type units_help() to display units help"
> For your expression  %e^(numerical_value * unit_dimensionless_group )
>  then 
> (%i2) %e^(1*second/(1*farad*1*ohm));
> (%o2) %e
> Also, the style for units has: the unit name is always singular. The
> nice single letter unit symbols are not used in units,
> does 'm' stand for mass or meters etc. Unit names are somewhat
> verbose.
> ear.
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