new developer candidate Rupert Swarbrick

On 2013-02-04, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:

> I am not opposed and welcome Rupert as a developer.

Thanks, Ray.

> Out of curiosity, is there any kind of policy on this?  Also, is there
> any policy on expiring old committers who haven't contributed in a
> long while?  No problem if there's no policy; I was just curious.
> Just general consensus works for me.

Well, there isn't any fixed procedure (hasn't ever been one, so far as I
know). I think the current informal process works OK, so I'm inclined to
continue it.

About inactive developers, once or twice I have combed the list to see
who hasn't committed for some time (a year or so) and just dropped the
names (notifying them by email also). It's not the end of the world --
if someone wants to return, I'd be more than happy to reenable developer

Let me take this opportunity to invite others to carry out
administrative tasks -- it is not a big deal. A project administrator is
just a kind of minor bureaucrat.

Finally I'll also remark I like the Maxima project for its "workshop"
atmosphere. This kind of agreeable disorganization is suitable for
reasonable people -- I'm inclined to keep it like that.


Robert Dodier