After all of the discussion over the past several months about interval arithmetic & the assume database, I got to thinking about what would be an appropriate fragment of a decidable logical theory that one could easily implement in Maxima, and also would be efficient enough for general usage.
Below is my suggestion for such a "decidable interval theory".
Rather than presenting axioms and rules of inference, I will go directly to a model.
We have _representable real numbers_ ("RRN"), including extensions with +oo (positive infinity) and -oo (negative infinity), together with three comparison predicates: =, <, <=. These predicates have the usual trichotomy property aka "total/linear ordering".
Representable real numbers include the rational numbers, positive n-th roots of positive representable reals, certain transcendental constants (%pi, %e), etc.
We start with "atomic" intervals: for any x<y in RRN, we have 4 distinct atomic intervals: [x,y], [x,y}, (x,y], (x,y), with their usual meanings. We let the symbol "{" stand for either "[" or "(", and the symbol "}" stand for either "}" or ")"; thus {x,y} is any of the 4 intervals [x,y], [x,y), (x,y], (x,y).
For any x in RRN, we have the singleton set [x]. By an abuse of notation, we can also write [x,x]=[x]. The notation {x,x} can mean only the singleton [x].
Given two atomic intervals {w,x}, {y,z}, we can determine if they are _disjoint_. W/o loss of generality, we assume w<=y.
{w,x} is disjoint from {y,z} if
1) x<y or
2) x=y and {w,x}={w,x) and {y,z}=(y,z}
Given two non-disjoint atomic intervals {w,x} and {y,z}, we can compute their _intersection_ as sets; this intersection will necessarily also be an atomic interval:
1) If w<y and z<x, then {w,x} encloses {y,z}, so the intersection is {y,z}.
2) If y<w and x<z, then {y,z} encloses {w,x}, so the intersection is {w,x}.
We can now introduce _finite unions of mutually disjoint atomic intervals_. The empty union consists of no atomic intervals at all, and is hence the empty set. We extend the notation such that [x,x) = (x,x] = (x,x) = empty set. It is convenient if the finite union is ordered by increasing order of the first element (implies also ordered by the second element).
Given an atomic interval {x,y}, we can compute the _complement_ of the interval as follows:
1) {x,y} = [x,y], then the complement is [-oo,x) union (y,oo];
2) {x,y} = (x,y], then the complement is [-oo,x] union (y,oo];
3) {x,y} = [x,y), then the complement is [-oo,x) union [y,oo];
4) {x,y} = (x,y), then the complement is [-oo,x] union [y,oo].
If we have two ordered finite unions of mutually disjoint atomic intervals, it is obvious how to _merge_ the ordered finite unions to produce the union of all of the intervals, coalescing atomic intervals where possible. This process has complexity linear in the total number of atomic intervals.
Also, if we have an ordered finite union of mutually disjoint atomic intervals, it is also obvious how to _complement_ this union to produce an ordered finite union of disjoint atomic intervals which represents the complement of this set. This process has complexity linear in the total number of atomic intervals.
We now have a Boolean algebra whose elements are finite unions of mutually disjoint atomic intervals.
A note on performing ordering comparisons of irrational & transcendental numbers. Since we allow the representation of certain irrational & transcendental numbers, it will be necessary to compare arbitrarily complex expressions for ordering purposes. Since we have no way of knowing in advance how many digits of precision will be required to determine the ordering of these arbitrarily complex expressions, we will need to represent these numbers by an object containing the algebraic expression itself, together with a pair of rational numbers (possibly including oo and -oo) which have the current tightest bounds on the irrational/transcendental number. If/when it becomes necessary to _refine_ the precision of these bounds in order to perform an accurate comparison, the algebraic expression will be evaluated to higher precision to compute tighter bounds.
We are finally in a position to utilize this Boolean algebra in Maxima.
Our "assume database" will contain for each variable in the database an association with an element of the Boolean algebra. Each "real" variable will initially be associated with the atomic interval (-oo,oo). We denote the Boolean algebra element associated with x in assume database D by B(x,D).
If Maxima encounters an expression of the form (if x<c then E1 else E2) in an environment where the current assume database is D, then the expression E1 will be simplified assuming that x is associated with intersect(B(x,D),(-oo,c)), and the expression E2 will be simplified assuming that x is associated with intersect(B(x,D),[c,oo)).
Equality is handled as x=c <=> x<=c and c<=x; i.e., x is associated with [c].
If Maxima encounters an expression of the form (if x<c1 and y<c2 then E1 else E2), then this is equivalent to
(if x<c1 and y<c2 then E1
elsif x<c1 and not y<c2 then E2
elsif not x<c1 and y<c2 then E2
elsif not x<c1 and not y<c2 then E2)
We will also need a rule whereby equal arms can be coalesced back together: (if ... then E2 else E2) => E2
Note that our "decidable interval theory" cannot handle relations between two different variables, e.g., (if x<y then E1 else E2). (It is possible to develop a decidable theory of such n-dimensional "regions", but the computational complexity of this theory explodes; even a two-dimensional theory necessary to bound regions in the complex plane could quickly become unwieldy.)
However, we can _approximate_ or _bound_ the results from expressions such as x<y, but these bounds will most likely not be tight; e.g., if x is associated with (-oo,oo) and y is associated with (-oo,oo), then even if we know that x<y, this does not further constrain either x or y _by itself_.
It is easy to see how the operations +,-,*,/ can be extended to operate on elements of our Boolean algebra. Unlike traditional "interval arithmetic", our finite unions of atomic intervals is closed under division.
Other functions can also be extended to operate on finite unions of atomic intervals, although the complexity goes up substantially if these functions are not strictly monotonically increasing (or at least non-decreasing).
Once we have our language for discussing atomic intervals and finite unions of atomic intervals, we are in a position to better characterize _partial functions_, i.e., functions not defined over the entire real interval (-oo,oo).
Thus, we can define a restricted function sin(x) which operates only on the interval -%pi/2 to %pi/2, and hence is monotonicly increasing.
We can also better characterize the range of functions such as cosh(x) which is [1,oo).
We can now extend Maxima with two new functions on expressions: Domain(expression) and Range(expression). These functions are merely _approximations_ of the domain and range of the expression, but for some simpler expressions, they can be accurate.
Thus, Domain(1/x) = (-oo,0) union (0,oo) = Range(1/x).
Domain(sin(x)) = (-oo,oo); Range(sin(x)) = [-1,1].
Actually, Domain() and Range() accept a second argument, which is a current assume database, which is used to bound the various variables within the expression.
Domain(if x<c then E1(x) else E2(x),D) = Domain(E1(x),B(x,D) intersect (-oo,c)) intersect Domain(E2(x),B(x,D) intersect [c,oo))
Range(if x<c then E1(x) else E2(x),D) = Range(E1(x),B(x,D) intersect (-oo,c)) union Range(E2(x),B(x,D) intersect [c,oo)).