Yes that is an example of what I mean..
I hate it when information is unavoidably lost -- particularly when there
is no compensating benefit such as "much simpler but less tight" result.
Thanks, david stoutemyer
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David Stoutemyer <dstout at> writes:
> David> I would also like to see the infectiousness of Floats and
> David> Big Floats be on a local basis of each real arithmetic
> David> operation rather than degrading all numbers in a
> David> multi-interval whenever one of them is a Float or a Big
> David> Float.
> Do you mean that if x and y are both unions of the intervals [1,5] and
> [8.0, 9.0], then you want x*y to be the union of [1, 25], [8.0, 45.0],
> and [64.0, 81.0]?
> Ray
> P.S. If you have cmucl or sbcl, you can try
> (defun foo (x y)
> (declare (type (or (integer 1 5) (single-float 8.0 9.0)) x y))
> (* x y))
> (compile 'foo)
> (describe 'foo)
> [snip other output from foo]
> Its result type is:
> (OR (SINGLE-FLOAT 64.0 81.0) (SINGLE-FLOAT 8.0 45.0) (INTEGER 1 25))
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