It might be of interert to Denis Darland and Stavros Macrakis that the January issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society has an article on Closed Forms: What They Are and Why We Care,by J. M. Borwein & R. E. Crandall(pp 50-65) It is freely available in pdf format at (3.71 MB) With regards, Rene' Grognard > 1. Re: "Begs the question" (Dennis Darland)
> 3. Re: "Begs the question" - Term found (Dennis Darland)
> 5. Re: "Begs the question" (Stavros Macrakis)
> > (I have 'closed form' in my mind, but cannot find it in math dictionaries
> > or indexes of several math books.)
> >
> > Dennis J. Darland