"Begs the question"

It might be of interert to Denis Darland and Stavros Macrakis that the January issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society has an article on Closed Forms: What They Are and Why We Care,by J. M. Borwein & R. E. Crandall(pp 50-65) It is freely available in pdf format at http://www.ams.org/notices/201301/rnoti-p50.pdf (3.71 MB) With regards, Rene' Grognard >    1. Re: "Begs the question" (Dennis Darland)

>    3. Re: "Begs the question" - Term found (Dennis Darland)

>    5. Re: "Begs the question" (Stavros Macrakis)

> > (I have 'closed form' in my mind, but cannot find it in math dictionaries
> > or indexes of several math books.)
> >
> > Dennis J. Darland