get the current input file's directory

On 02/08/2013 08:28 AM, pvarisco at wrote:
> I'll try to explain myself better.
> The variable load_pathname has a meaning AFTER you load a library, my problem
> is BEFORE.
> I don't know how  to load a package/library of mine by means of a relative
> path. The path is relative to the caller input file, i.e. the one currently
> opened by wxMaxima.
If there is a caller input file, then it will have to be loaded and once 
it is loaded you will have the variable load_pathname bound to the 
directory of the input file. I think that what Ray was telling you is 
that inside your input file you can add a load command for the 
additional package, loading it from load_pathname which within the input 
file will have the appropriate value.
