R: Re: get the current input file's directory

On 02/08/2013 10:33 AM, pvarisco at libero.it wrote:
> What you say only works in XMaxima or Maxima through console, where you start
> your session with nothing and you are supposed to provide a load("") command to
> begin with.
> What about wxMaxima, where you OPEN a file through a GUI (Windows I my case)?
> This OPEN action is not a load("") so you get no load_pathname functionality!
> This file has wxm extension and somewhere in its contents, it calls a mac
> library with the load("")  function and the the load_pathname functionality.
in Xmaxima you can also OPEN the file with a simple click on a menu 
entry but what goes under the hood is that the graphical interface 
silently sends a load or batchload command to the Maxima session. I 
cannot check it in Wxmaxima because I don't have it installed right now, 
but my guess is that Wxmaxima is doing the same thing.