greek letters in combined variable names

Dear Jose,

as far as I know this is not possible. The effect that %alpha is printed as the greek letter alpha is an effect of the display system and has nothing to do with the internals of Maxima. For Maxima %alpha is just %alpha and %alpha1 is just %alpha1 and whatever other name you could construct is just this name.

For some display systems / frontends used with Maxima, %alpha has a special meaning and they display it as the greek letter alpha, but %alpha1 has no special meaning to the display system. So unless you have a Unicode Maxima, there is no way to do this.

Unfortunately wxMaxima doesn't seem to be Unicode. It would be possible to modify e.g. wxMaxima such that it displays e.g. %alpha%%1 as greek letter alpha followed by 1, but I think it would make more sense to make a Unicode build and add an easy way to insert Unicode greek letters.

Best regards,


From: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Pepe Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 3:58 PM
To: maxima at
Subject: greek letters in combined variable names

 Is there some way of composing variable names including greek letters?
 I meant to have variable names similar to
a1:   <expr1>;
a2:   <expr2>;
a:  a1*a2;

 but using, let's say , greek "alpha" instead of latin "a"

 Of course, I know that one gets alpha letter by writing %alpha or \aplha  ,
but by writing   %alpha1
you get just the same %alpha  string instead of the alpha symbol followed by a 1....

 All the best

Jose Sanchez-Marin.
 Universitat de Valencia.
 Institut de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol).
 Cat.  Jose Beltran Martinez, 2                                                          Phone: +34 96 354 4444
E-46980 Paterna                                                                                                 FAX:   +34 96 354 3576
 Spain                                                                                                                                    e-mail: Jose.Sanchez at<mailto:Jose.Sanchez at>