greek letters in combined variable names

On 2013-02-08, Leo Butler <l_butler at> wrote:

> On the other hand, if you are just concerned with output, then I will
> guess that wxmaxima displays symbols by means of the tex display
> system (wxmaxima devs: is this true?)

WxMaxima uses the WXXMLWORD property of symbols to find out what to
display. E.g., after

  :lisp (setf (get '|$DeltaG| 'wxxmlword) "<g>%Delta</g>G")

then expressions like 1/DeltaG are displayed with a little triangle
followed by G.

I don't know what are all the named symbols recognized by the <g> </g>
markup. I suppose it must be in the wxMaxima or maybe wxWidgets
documentation somewhere ....


Robert Dodier