batch and the output


I have a question: 

Is there possible to change the behavior of "batch", 
that the following code in file "test.mac" after executing:
will look more readable and not centered the input line?

The test file "test.mac" contain:
a: 1;
b: a+c;
c: d=a+c;
x: matrix([1],[2]);

The result "test.txt" contain:
(%i3)                                a : 1
(%o3)                                  1
(%i4)                              b : c + a
(%o4)                                c + 1
(%i5)                            c : d = c + a
(%o5)                              d = c + 1
                                       [ 1 ]
(%i6)                              x : [   ]
                                       [ 2 ]
                                     [ 1 ]
(%o6)                                [   ]
                                     [ 2 ]
(%i7)                             closefile()
The result above is completely not readable for me.

Is there possible to obtain result in file "test.txt" formatted 
in this form:
(%i3) a : 1
(%o3)                                  1
(%i4) b : c + a
(%o4)                                c + 1
(%i5) c : d = c + a
(%o5)                              d = c + 1
(%i6) x: matrix([1],[2])
                                     [ 1 ]
(%o6)                                [   ]
                                     [ 2 ]
(%i7)                             closefile()
that the input, will be as it will be typed in console - left justified?
Also the input (%i6) where matrix is typed should not be printed as 
matrix but as it is typed "x: matrix([1],[2]);", but not as:
                                       [ 1 ]
(%i6)                              x : [   ]
                                       [ 2 ]
It will be very useful when user could be control the output by e.g.
input_batch_print: left_justified; 
input_batch_print: centred; 

for case "(%i6) x: matrix([1],[2])"
input_batch_print_matrix: false;
then one can got:
(%i6) x: matrix([1],[2])
input_batch_print_matrix: true;
then one can got (as it is at present)
                                       [ 1 ]
(%i6)                              x : [   ]
                                       [ 2 ]

The output could be controlled also by e.g.
output_batch_print: centred;
output_batch_print: left_justified;
output_batch_print: right_justified;

These options give the user more possibility to present the 
result in more readable way. What do you think about this?
Is this possible or would be possible in near future? At present time the
result from batch is completely not readable if you have e.g. 50 lines 
or much more. 

Thank you in advance and I'm sorry for my bad English.
