Conic sections look like a neat approach for elementary arithmetic, but I'm
not sure they're particularly helpful for other functions. Maybe good
enough for small neighborhoods, but handling the edge cases sounds like a
But again, I think the hard part here is getting Maxima to systematically
handle a new kind of quasi-number correctly in every place where it makes
sense. There is both a general problem -- what framework do you use -- and
a specific one -- how do you add relevant code to all the right places (and
ideally minimal additional code)?
Conceptually, some sort of object system seems like the right framework.
One way I have proposed to move forward in the past is to use bigfloats as
guidance. Every place bigfloats are treated specially, new kinds of
quasi-numbers would probably have to be treated specially. In addition,
many quasi-numbers don't have all the properties numbers do (e.g. strict
total order), etc., which Maxima assumes all numbers do, so there will be
additional cases.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Henry Baker <hbaker1 at> wrote:
> How about the following idea for representing complex intervals: _conic
> sections_.
> The problem I'm trying to solve is the following one:
> How do you provide a set of atomic intervals that is expressive enough to
> handle both real intervals -- e.g., [3,5] -- as well as circular regions in
> the complex plane -- e.g., {x | (x-C)<r^2}.
> Possible answer: conic sections, including degenerate conic sections.
> The interval [3,5] is a degenerate ellipse with foci at (3,0) and (5,0),
> where the string is completely taut.
> The interval [3,INF) is a degenerate parabola with the focus at (3,0) and
> stretching to the right; (MINF,3] is the degenerate parabola with the focus
> at (3,0) stretching to the left.
> The interval [3,3] is a degenerate ellipse with foci at (3,0) and (3,0),
> or alternatively, a circle with center (3,0) and radius=0.
> One tradition extension of intervals to the complex plane uses _circles_
> (Henrici's "circular arithmetic"), so we can represent these.
> So far, we have used only conics with eccentricities <=1. I don't know if
> there are any useful "intervals" which are hyperbolic.
> I don't know enough about elliptic functions to know if elliptical regions
> in the complex plane are particularly useful.