[newbie] how to expand function to original variables

Hugo Coolens <coolens at kahosl.be> writes:
> I have reworked the code as follows:
> p(tau11,tau22):=tau11*tau22;
> sigma(tau11,tau12,tau22):=tau11+tau12+tau22;
> A(p,sigma):=sqrt(p^2+2*p*sigma)-p;
> hjmax(A,sigma,p):=sqrt((1+A/p)/((1-A/sigma^2)^2+A/p));
> subst(sigma(tau11,tau12,tau22),sigma,hjmax);
> subst(p(tau11,tau22),p,hjmax);
> this gives me hjmax as a function of tau11, tau12 and tau22 which is
> what I wanted. I just wondered whether the last two statements can be
> combined in one?

Yep, see the documentation for subst. The other syntax is something like

  subst ([foo1 = bar1, foo2 = bar2], expr)

And this does the same as the iterated substitution:

  subst (bar1, foo1, subst (bar2, foo2, expr))

(Well, almost. If bar2 contains foo1, you get slightly different

  (%i42) subst (bar1, foo1, subst (foo1, foo2, foo2 + 1));
  (%o42)                             bar1 + 1
  (%i43) subst ([foo1 = bar1, foo2 = bar2], foo2 + 1);
  (%o43)                             bar2 + 1

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