>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at gmail.com> writes:
Rupert> Ok, so I see the following points. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Rupert> (1) If sys-proclaim.lisp disagrees with the actual contents of the
Rupert> source tree, things can break on GCL.
Rupert> (2) An accurate sys-proclaim.lisp significantly improves performance on
Rupert> GCL.
Rupert> (3) sys-proclaim.lisp is (theoretically) generated automatically from
Rupert> the source tree
Rupert> (4) Since most of the devs don't develop on GCL, the version of
Rupert> sys-proclaim.lisp checked into the repository is rather out of
Rupert> date.
Nice summary of that state of things.
Rupert> My suggestion: Why don't we change the GCL build so that we
Rupert> automatically generate sys-proclaim.lisp on the initial build. We could
Rupert> add a configure flag --with-sys-proclaim / --without-sys-proclaim. It
Rupert> would default to being "with". The only disadvantage is that this would
Rupert> double the build time from a clean tree: build once to make
Rupert> sys-proclaim.lisp; build again with it. (Although this is less painful
I think this is a good idea. The more automatic the better. But I
hope the people who actually build with gcl speak up.
Also could you also please verify (3) holds if you remove
src/binary-gcl? I can't test this myself.
Thanks for looking into this,