[newbie] how to expand function to original variables


I strongly recommend you follow Rupert's second suggestion below (which is
the same as what Barton suggested some time ago).  Just because you call
something a 'function' doesn't mean that the best way to model it in Maxima
is as a Maxima 'function' (which you can also think of as a procedure, in
the programming-language sense).

The ''(...) and define mechanisms discussed below are useful for more
complicated cases, but you haven't shown us any reason that you'd need them.


On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 9:58 AM, Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hugo Coolens <coolens at kahosl.be> writes:
> > I followed your advice and this is what I guess should be the right way?
> > p:tau11*tau22;
> > sigma:tau11+tau12+tau22;
> > A:sqrt(p^2+2*p*sigma)-p;
> > hjmax(A,sigma,p):=sqrt((1+A/p)/((1-A/sigma^2)^2+A/p));
> > ev(hjmax(A,sigma,p));
> >
> > Do you think this is OK?
> If you want to avoid having to do the "ev" bit at the end, you need to
> get the definition of hjmax to evaluate its right hand side. The :=
> operator doesn't do that by default (you can see this, since the result
> of defining hjmax will have p, sigma and A in it). You can either do
> something like
>   hjmax(A,sigma,p):=''(sqrt((1+A/p)/((1-A/sigma^2)^2+A/p)));
> or use define() as follows:
>   define (hjmax('A,'sigma,'p), sqrt((1+A/p)/((1-A/sigma^2)^2+A/p)));
> (note that I have to quote A, sigma and p here since define evaluates
> the argument list)
> OR
> You could choose not to define hjmax as a function. If you just wrote
>   hjmax : sqrt((1+A/p)/((1-A/sigma^2)^2+A/p));
> then you'd probably get exactly what you were after. To "evaluate" the
> result at a given set of taus, you could either do something like
>   hjmax, tau11 = 1, tau12 = 2, tau22 = 3;
> which is shorthand for a call to ev(), or use subst():
>   subst ([tau11 = 1, tau12 = 2, tau22 = 3], hjmax);
> Rupert
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