matchdeclare matching functions or an alternative?
Subject: matchdeclare matching functions or an alternative?
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 22:06:46 +0000 (UTC)
On 2013-02-23, Mike Valenzuela <mickle.mouse at> wrote:
> I am wondering if there is a way to use matchdeclare to do the following:
> matchdeclare(ff(xx), isfunction(ff,xx))
> Where ff is supposed to be a function of xx.
I don't get it -- if an expression looks like ff(xx), then ff is a
function of xx, right? What is an example of an expression ff(xx) in
which ff is not a function of xx? Maybe you can give some more examples.
Couple of things that might help. defrule (not tellsimp / tellsimpafter,
not sure about defmatch) allows for the main operator of a match
expression to be a variable. So you could have s.t. like
matchdeclare (foo, lambda ([e], member (e, [sin, cos, tan])));
defrule (r1, foo (something), whatever (foo, something));
to match trig functions. Other thing is that match variables are bound
during matching, so you can have a match predicate for one variable
which depends on other variables. However that's sensitive to the order
in which variables are bound and therefore obscure and/or fragile.
Robert Dodier