Subject: Maxima version and git describe and git workflow
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:14:31 -0800
In a recent message it was noted that the maxima version on the
current master branch is something like 5.28.0_314. This version
comes from git describe which derives the version from the "closest"
annotated tag.
Since we've released 5.29.x, it would make more sense if the version
were something like 5.29_nnn.
I'm not really familiar with the git workflow, but I think that for
each release that is done, we should probably create (an annotated)
tag it. (I couldn't find any 5.29 tag.) We might also have to merge
that tagged version back to master to keep things consistent.
I think if we did that git describe will produce the correct version
on the master branch as well.
Does this make sense?