Solving 3rd order equation by solve (more on...)

>  Jaime Villate wrote:
>> 1) by using
>>                    rectform(eivects(HV)), numer;
>>  I get: 
>> "algsys failure: the eigenvector(s) for the"1"th eigenvalue will be missing."
>> "algsys failure: the eigenvector(s) for the"2"th eigenvalue will be missing."
>> "algsys failure: the eigenvector(s) for the"3"th eigenvalue will be missing."
>> (%o13) [[[2.445,5.551*10^-17*%i+0.753,3.802-5.551*10^-17*%i],[1,1,1]],[[],[],[]]]
> Of course, eivects wants to work algebraically but you forced it to work numerically.

Thanks Jaime
 I see...   so,  "numer: true" should act as a flag that changes the whole procedure...

 There is not something as 
     number(   expr  )

while float( <expr> ) or bfloat( <expr> ) should allow  <expr >  to be evaluated algebraically and, afterwards, 
should perform the numerical operations....

  So, I can use float(%) or bloat(%)  but not    number(%)....      am I right?

 Best wishes

Jose Sanchez-Marin.
 Universitat de Valencia.
 Institut de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol).
 Cat.  Jose Beltran Martinez, 2				Phone: +34 96 354 4444
E-46980 Paterna							FAX:   +34 96 354 3576	            
 Spain 				   					e-mail: Jose.Sanchez at	   