Updated lapack code

The example runs in 5.29.1 + GCL + lapack from git.

When loading lapack GCL prints a lot of warnings:

; (IN-PACKAGE "CL-USER") is being compiled.
;; Warning: The package operation (IN-PACKAGE "CL-USER") was in a bad place.

Don't know if these warnings point to a serious problem.


2013/3/8 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com>:
> I've updated the lapack code to fix an issue (see
> https://sourceforge.net/p/maxima/bugs/2559/).  This works fine with
> cmucl and sbcl.  It also works with clisp.  CCL fails, but that's due
> to an issue in CCL.
> Can someone test this with gcl?  Try the example given in the bug
> 2559.
> Ray
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