radical simplification problem

Hello, I was playing around with some other Maxima packages when I ran
across a problem which I assume there is a simple method to call, but I've
been unable to find it.

I am using Maxima 5.28.0-2 in Windows.

First, I declare a matrix:
m4: matrix([3,2,1],[1,2,2],[1,2,2]);

I do a symbolic SVD on the matrix:
tmp: sqrtdenest(sqrtdenest( ueivects( m4 . transpose(m4) ) ))$
U: transpose(matrix(tmp[2][1][1],tmp[2][2][1],tmp[2][3][1]))$
tmp: sqrtdenest(sqrtdenest( ueivects( transpose(m4) . m4 ) ))$
V: transpose(matrix(tmp[2][1][1],tmp[2][2][1],tmp[2][3][1]))$
E: diag(sqrt(tmp[1][1]))$

float(U . E . transpose(V)); /* This gives the correct answer so I believe
I performed the SVD correctly */


But I have the toughest time getting it to produce this result symbolically.
I have tried such as:

U . E . transpose(V);
sqrtdenest(scanmap(multthru, %));
scanmap(multthru, %);

O: Too ugly to print here

But none of these simplify all the way down to what the numerical answer
gives. Surprising the method which helped simplify the most was the
%). The sqrtdenest package helps in the case where:
but is in sufficient for m4.

(1) -- Is it possible to symbolically simplify my result of
U.E.transpose(V) where
they are defined as above? I realize there could be algorithmic issues.
Maybe an NP-hard simplification problem arises?
(2) -- If it is possible to symbolically simplify the expression, does
Maxima support the necessary methods?
(3) -- If so what are they?

Thanks in advance.