[newbie] problem with renaming x-axis

I have the following piece of code for which I was advised to change the 
variable tau12 to x, however in the end I do want my x-axis named as 
tau12-axis. I tried to accomplish this by adding some gnuplot code as can 
be seen below in the last line. Unfortunately this does not work; Can 
anyone here tell me how to do it properly? Thanks in advance, hugo

eq2:subst(tau[12]=x, %);
plot2d(tauplots, [x, 1e-3, 1],[legend,"$\\tau=0.05$","$\\tau=0.1$","$\\tau=0.2$","$\\tau=0.4$","$\\tau=1$","$\\tau=5$"],[gnuplot_preamble,"set mxtics 10;set mytics 5;set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics;"]);
set_plot_option ([plot_format, gnuplot]);
plot2d(tauplots,[x,1e-3,1],[legend,"$\\tau=0.05$","$\\tau=0.1$","$\\tau=0.2$","$\\tau=0.4$","$\\tau=1$","$\\tau=5$"],[gnuplot_term,'pslatex],[gnuplot_preamble,"set mxtics 10; set size 1.969,1.8; set mytics 5;set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics;set xlabel '\\tau_{12}';"],[gnuplot_out_file,"pal2quint.tex"])