Rasmus Debitsch wrote:
> Hello,
> For the generation of C code for the derivaties of a function I want to use
> gentran. But when calling load(gentran) an error shows up:
> load(gentran);
> loadfile: failed to load
> C:/PROGRA~2/MAXIMA~1.0-2/share/maxima/5.28.0-2/share/contrib/gentran/gentran
> -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
> I found some messages about loading gentran, but it seems that older
> versions of Maxima were used. Just to be sure: Should gentran work with
> Maxima 5.28.0-2 on Windows?
> Thanks,
> Rasmus
I have just tried on my mac which has an old version of maxima. One can load
gentran but only from the inside of the gentran directory. This is a bug which
is supposed to have been corrected by Raymond Toy. As far as i am aware
gentran will generate correct fortran (i have tried something in the test
directory, it worked) but will not generate C code (needs some care).
Michel Talon