I think the fog is clearing for me.
This is my first experience of dealing
with lisp print output which is not
a readable expression. Behind the
print output is a sensible lisp expression
which lisp functions can deal with,
and I am able to ask questions of the
list output of adaptive-plot.
The code is a work in progress.
(%i1) load("singular.lisp");
(%o1) "c:/work2/singular.lisp"
(%i2) singular(sin(x),[x,0,1]);
The value of R1 is (NIL NIL)
(%o2) done
(%i3) singular(exp(x),[x,1000,2000]);
The value of R1 is (T NIL)
(%o3) done
(%i4) singular(sin(x)/x,[x,-0.5,0.5]);
The value of R1 is (NIL T)
(%o4) done
current code in singular.lisp:
;;; probably can eliminate most of the contents of
;;; the list features?
(defun $singular (fun range)
(let (($display2d nil)
(*plot-realpart* *plot-realpart*)
($plot_options $plot_options)
features r1)
(setf (getf features :type) "plot2d")
;; the range option is mandatory and provides the name of
;; the horizontal axis and the values of xmin and xmax.
(let (small huge)
; assume not using clisp here
(setq small (- (/ most-positive-flonum 1024)))
(setq huge (/ most-positive-flonum 1024))
($set_plot_option `((mlist) $y ,small ,huge))
(setq range (check-range range))
(setf (getf features :xlabel) (ensure-string (second range)))
(setf (getf features :xmin) (third range))
(setf (getf features :xmax) (fourth range)))
;; create y-axis label
(let (label)
(setq label (coerce (mstring fun) 'string))
(setf (getf features :ylabel) label))
(setq *plot-realpart* ($get_plot_option '$plot_realpart 2))
(setq r1 (singular1 fun range features))
(show r1)
;;; singular1 is designed as a simplified draw2d-like
;;; interface to adaptive-plot.
;;; do we really need all the stuff we pass from
;;; $singular in the list features?
(defun singular1 (fcn range features)
(let* ((nticks (third ($get_plot_option '$nticks)))
(yrange ($get_plot_option '$y))
(depth (third ($get_plot_option '$adapt_depth)))
(rsing nil) (roflow nil) )
(setq fcn (coerce-float-fun fcn `((mlist), (second range))))
(let* ((x-start (coerce-float (third range)))
(xend (coerce-float (fourth range)))
(x-step (/ (- xend x-start) (coerce-float nticks) 2))
(ymin (coerce-float (third yrange)))
(ymax (coerce-float (fourth yrange)))
(n-clipped 0) (n-non-numeric 0)
(nn 0)
;; What is a good EPS value for adaptive plotting?
;(eps 1e-5)
x-samples y-samples result)
(declare (type flonum ymin ymax))
;; Divide the region into NTICKS regions. Each region has a
;; start, mid and endpoint. Then adaptively sample over each of
;; these regions. So it's probably a good idea not to make
;; NTICKS too big. Since adaptive plotting splits the sections
;; in half, it's also probably not a good idea to have NTICKS be
;; a power of two.
(flet ((fun (z) (funcall fcn z)))
(dotimes (k (1+ (* 2 nticks)))
(let ((x (+ x-start (* k x-step))))
(push x x-samples)
(push (fun x) y-samples)))
(setf x-samples (nreverse x-samples))
(setf y-samples (nreverse y-samples))
;; For each sub-region, adaptively sample it.
(do ((x-start x-samples (cddr x-start))
(x-mid (cdr x-samples) (cddr x-mid))
(x-end (cddr x-samples) (cddr x-end))
(y-start y-samples (cddr y-start))
(y-mid (cdr y-samples) (cddr y-mid))
(y-end (cddr y-samples) (cddr y-end)))
((null x-end))
;; (setq nn (1+ nn))
;; (show nn)
;; (when (and *mdebug* (< nn 2))
;; (show x-start x-mid x-end y-start y-mid y-end))
;; The sub-region is x-start to x-end, with mid-point x-mid.
(setf result
(adaptive-plot #'fun (car x-start) (car x-mid) (car x-end)
(car y-start) (car y-mid) (car y-end)
depth 1e-5))
(when (find-if #'float-inf-p result)
(format t "~& overflow ~%")
(setq roflow t)
(return 'loop-done))
(when (find-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x T)) result)
(format t "~& singular ~%")
(setq rsing t)
(return 'loop-done)))
(list roflow rsing)))))
Ted Woollett