Build system, take 2 + 1/2

>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at> writes:

    Rupert> To test it out, do a make with GCL with sys-proclaim.lisp enabled. Then
    Rupert> touch some lisp file and type make again. For your sake, I hope you're
    Rupert> using ccache!

I have not looked at your changes yet, but does this mean if I touch a
lisp file, every single lisp file will get recompiled?

While not nice, I think that you have to do that to get the correct
sys-proclaim files.  That is, you can't just recompile just one file
and still get a correct sys-proclaim.  But I could be wrong.

    Rupert> At the moment, --enable-sys-proclaim is false by default. My logic is
    Rupert> that it's only really useful for people building binaries and they can
    Rupert> set up their scripts to enable the flag. If you're just some developer
    Rupert> messing around with the source, it's probably more irritating having the
    Rupert> whole of Maxima rebuild all the time than having a possible 5% slowdown.

On the other hand, if you use gcl and never build sys-proclaim except
when binary is made, what you ship could be subtly broken compared to
you've been testing with.  Maybe because gcl with sys-proclaim elides
some type check because you've proclaimed functions and some code was
previously depending on the type check.  

While this scenario is hypothetical, it's a possibility.
