
>eq1:a*x+b*y+c=0;  /* line */
>eq2:p^2=c^2/(a^2+b^2); /* distance */
>eq6:expand(rhs(eq4)/b^2) = expand(rhs(eq5)/b^2);
>load ("lrats");

> It would be nicer if I could formulate it so eliminate(...) works.

Try (your answer is nicer)

 (%i1) depends(y,x)$
 (%i2) a*x + b*y+c=0$
 (%i3) [%,diff(%,x), p^2=c^2/(a^2+b^2)]$
 (%i4) eliminate(%,[a,b])$
 (%i5) factor(%);
 (%o5) [-c^2*x^2*(x^2*('diff(y,x,1))^2-p^2*('diff(y,x,1))^2-2*x*y*('diff(y,x,1))+y^2-p^2)]

>Also, I cannot seem to find an easier way than apply("+",...) to get from a list to an equation I can manipulate.

An alternative to apply("+,...) is xreduce("+", ...). But I'm not sure that xreduce is any better in this case.
