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>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at gmail.com> writes:

    Rupert> I've spent more time than is probably healthy watching Maxima
    Rupert> compilations over the last few days and one thing that was driving me up
    Rupert> the wall was the 10 seconds or so my machine took to build
    Rupert> maxima-index.lisp in the documentation directory.

One quick question:  How does this work when you're building with
multiple lisps?  Is there a different maxima-index.lisp for each lisp?

    Rupert> A note about byte offsets vs. char offsets: The perl script was very
    Rupert> careful to compute and store byte offsets. We then used "file-position"
    Rupert> on the lisp side (with a character stream) to get to the relevant point
    Rupert> in the file. I haven't carefully checked, but I presume that there are
    Rupert> lisps where this did the wrong thing. For example, on SBCL it seems that
    Rupert> file-position counts characters rather than bytes. With the new code, we

I think cmucl counts octets.
