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>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at gmail.com> writes:

    Rupert> Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
    Rupert> I've spent more time than is probably healthy watching
    Rupert> Maxima compilations over the last few days and one thing
    Rupert> that was driving me up the wall was the 10 seconds or so
    Rupert> my machine took to build maxima-index.lisp in the
    Rupert> documentation directory.
    >> One quick question:  How does this work when you're building with
    >> multiple lisps?  Is there a different maxima-index.lisp for each lisp?

    Rupert> With my proposed changes, there is no maxima-index.lisp any more since
    Rupert> we compute the offsets on the fly. With the old version, just one was
    Rupert> built (by the Perl script).


Have you considered how fast or slow this is on older machines?  It
seems that most developers have reasonably fast machines so we might
not notice.  But I think some (many? few?) users have much slower
machines.  Or at least some had machines without sse support, which is
a pretty old machine.
