>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at gmail.com> writes:
Rupert> Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
>> Have you considered how fast or slow this is on older machines? It
>> seems that most developers have reasonably fast machines so we might
>> not notice. But I think some (many? few?) users have much slower
>> machines. Or at least some had machines without sse support, which is
>> a pretty old machine.
Rupert> That's why I wrote up the timings carefully. I intend to spend some time
Rupert> over the next few days seeing if I can speed up the GCL and SBCL
Rupert> versions a bit more. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the ECL version
Rupert> can run faster than double the speed it currently does (which is why
Rupert> there's the note about timing reading line by line in the commit note).
Rupert> Do you have an idea of what's an acceptable wait to you? I mean, there
Rupert> will be a slight pause the first time a user calls "?" or "??". Is 1
Rupert> second on a slowish machine acceptable? 2? 5? I've been sort of assuming
Rupert> something like "2 seconds on a 5 year old laptop", but I plucked the
Rupert> figure out of thin air to be honest.
I wouldn't mind 5 sec since I tend to stay in a session for much
longer than 5 sec. < 1 sec is best, of course.