On 03/25/2013 03:12 PM, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
> Yes. I do indeed realise that not everybody is running Maxima on a fast
> computer.
> Which is why I've put quite a bit of effort into checking this runs
> reasonably fast. But I'll ask you the same question as I asked Ray: What
> would you consider an acceptable wait, once per session, the first time
> you called a documentation function?
> My gut instinct is that the answer is something like 1 or 2
> seconds.
I agree with this. A one time wait of a few seconds on 5+ year old
desktop/laptop hardware, or on 1 or 2 year old phone hardware is acceptable.
I also think that users are more willing to wait if they understand why
or that waiting is expected. How about the first time ? is called you
output something like:
"Building documentation index, this may take a few seconds..."