Alternative to nusum?

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Valenzuela <mickle.mouse at> writes:

    Mike> I was just wondering if there was a more comprehensive
    Mike> function than nusum. I have noticed that nusum fails to
    Mike> convert back many power series. Although maybe this is on
    Mike> purpose as power series are not always guaranteed to
    Mike> converge to the function they come from?

    Mike> I'm looking for something like "unpowerseries" (perhaps
    Mike> using some simple processing followed by a lookup table, or
    Mike> some method similar to how maxima does integration).

    Mike> The expected behavior I would like from such a function can
    Mike> be demonstrated as:

    Mike> (i1): unpowerseries( sum( exp(t*k) * lambda^(-k) * exp(-lambda) / k! )

Maybe simplify_sum will do what you want:


simplify_sum(sum( exp(t*k) * lambda^(-k) * exp(-lambda) / k!, k, 0, inf))
 -> %e^(%e^t/lambda-lambda)
