Increasing Maxima's heap size

   This is more a question about SBCL than Maxima.  I am running Maxima 5.28.0 
on a MacBook Pro with operating system Max OS X, 10.7.5.  To increase heap size 
I use the command as shown below, and adding --end-runtime-options is 
recommended by the SBCL documentation.  Was the heap increased to 4Gb?  The line 
Lisp options(- ) makes me wonder if the dynamic-space-size option was ignored.
Thanks, George Leeman

bash-3.2$ exec '/Applications/' '-X 
--dynamic-space-size 4000 --end-runtime-options'
Lisp options: (- )
Maxima 5.28.0
using Lisp SBCL
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Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
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