Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> writes:
> One thing I did notice while glancing at the code:
> (defun strip-section-title (title)
> (string-downcase
> (coerce (delete-if (lambda (char) (member char '(#\, #\. #\Space)))
> (coerce title 'list))
> 'string)))
> This is probably better written as
> (string-downcase (remove-if (lambda (char) (member char '(#\, #\. #\Space)))
> title))
> No need to explode the title string into a list.
Ah, neat! Thank you - I hadn't realised that remove-if and friends took
general sequences.
> Rupert> I'm not going to work on MAXIMA-NREGEX today. Indeed,
> Rupert> maybe the right thing to do is to replace it with CL-PPCRE
> Rupert> or similar?
> cl-ppcre is not an option since it doesn't run with gcl.
Fair enough.
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