More info loading fun

>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at> writes:

    Rupert>   (2) Ray, is there any way you can easily work out what the sparc is
    Rupert>       spending all it's time on? (with the new code) Running the first
    Rupert>       code snippet below with profile:profile-all would probably tell me
    Rupert>       a lot. If you can, could you use (topic-match "foo" t) and
    Rupert>       (topic-match "foo" nil) and let me know the difference?

    Rupert> Gory details:
    Rupert> =============

    Rupert> Firstly, I used the deterministic profilers on SBCL and CMUCL, running

    Rupert>   (progn
    Rupert>     (setf *documents* nil)
    Rupert>     (pushnew (info-pathname nil) *deferred-documents*)
    Rupert>     (topic-match "Number Theory" t))

    Rupert> ten times each. The top of the results:

CL-INFO> (profile:report-time)

    Consed |   Calls |  Secs | Sec/Call |  Bytes/C. | Name:
 5,543,744 |       2 | 1.710 |  0.85500 | 2,771,872 | THIS-DOC-MATCHES
 4,785,104 |       2 | 1.100 |  0.55000 | 2,392,552 | SCAN-INFO-FILE
 1,614,160 |  20,692 | 1.079 |  0.00005 |        78 | STARTS-WITH-P
 4,296,944 |       2 | 1.030 |  0.51500 | 2,148,472 | READ-INFO-INDEX
 3,124,144 |   5,542 | 1.019 |  0.00018 |       564 | STRIP-SECTION-TITLE
   510,016 |   4,858 | 0.250 |  0.00005 |       105 | MAYBE-UPDATED-INDEX-ENTRY

It's quite different now since I updated the code earlier.  Still
slow.  I'll have to look at the code.  Later.

    Rupert>   (defvar *regex*
    Rupert>     (coerce
    Rupert>      (maxima-nregex::regex-compile
    Rupert>       "Number Theory" :case-sensitive nil) 'function))

This means *regex* is not compiled.

    Rupert> and on CMUCL:
    Rupert>   ; Evaluation took:
    Rupert>   ;   2.5f0 seconds of real time
    Rupert>   ;   2.444f0 seconds of user run time
    Rupert>   ;   0.052f0 seconds of system run time
    Rupert>   ;   5,734,503,475 CPU cycles
    Rupert>   ;   [Run times include 0.09f0 seconds GC run time]
    Rupert>   ;   0 page faults and
    Rupert>   ;   111,166,664 bytes consed.

So perhaps this isn't so surprising.
