Documentation for 'rationalize'

On 2013-04-04, Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> wrote:

> The examples show rationalize(0.1) => 1/10, though the *text *clearly and
> correctly says that it is *not* 1/10.

Oh -- need to re-run update_examples ....

> Also, what is the point of unitfrac?  This says "Example use", but doesn't
> use rationalize at all.

Hmm, good point. I copied the documentation from nummod/usage.txt by
Barton W. On looking at it again (tnx, Wayback Machine) I see that
unitfrac is at the tail end of the file, after rationalize -- I blindly
copied it, but maybe it was intended as an illustration of nummod in
general, not rationalize in particular. Maybe I'll move it to the
description of 'ceiling'.


Robert Dodier