Robert Dodier <robert.dodier <at>> writes:
> Changing %SIN to MAXIMA::%SIN in the line above yields the expected output:
> loading Maxima ... finished.
> #<$DIFF {2CD5A3}> was found $X
> $X
> ((MAXIMA::%SIN) $X)
> ((%SIN) $X)
> ((%COS SIMP) $X)
> The problem is that $DIFF doesn't know anything about CL-USER::%SIN,
> only MAXIMA::%SIN (a different symbol).
> It doesn't seem to matter whether $X is interned in package :maxima or
> package :cl-user, but you must be consistent (always the one or always
> the other).
> Robert Dodier
Hi Robert,
Marvelous!. As your program output shows, forcing the "%SIN" symbol to
belong to package :maxima did indeed solve the problem. I tried different
examples and they all worked as intended. Thanks!!