simplifcation of (1-x)^a/(x-1) .. simpler example and cure

On 4/11/2013 5:40 AM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> Agreed this is annoying and problematic.
> One workaround (which is not really a solution) is
> subst(-x,x,ratsimp(subst(-x,x,ex)));

a shorter command:   subst(-x,x,ratsubst(-x,x,ex));

Note that the annoyance has a smaller example;


Though   m^a/(-m)  is immediately simplified.

Curiously,  this is another one of those "system independent bugs".

Mathematica 9.0
   does not simplify  m^a/(-m)

and FullSimplify[%]  leaves it unchanged.
  The equivalent substitution trick works in Mathematica, since it too 
simplifies m^a/(-m)
by taking the negative sign out of the denominator.

Maple 7  (sorry, I don't have a more recent version)  exhibits the same 