"Richard Hennessy" <rich.hennessy at verizon.net> writes:
> Remember the purpose of this exercise for me is to get the right
> conditions under which my formulas work and then just apply them when
> applicable. pw.mac does not attempt to compute a limit as of this
> writing.
Ok, I understand. In which case, I would suggest that you do these
calculations with pen and paper. I'm a little cautious of anything a
computer tells me about a function if it isn't smooth and generally
I don't know if there's any CAS that can sensibly say things like "Ah,
yes, the following formula holds if f is C? with compact
support". Maxima definitely can't! So I reckon you're probably making
things harder for yourself insisting that you compute the limits that
you use with pwlimit and pwint.
PS: Your email quoting style is really rather hard to read. I wrote the
email you are quoting and I still had to squint to work out who
wrote what...
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