It seems to me that if you want to create an array of coefficients,
there are a couple of things:
sparse or dense?
e.g. is 5*x^4+1 supposed to be [5,0,0,0,1] or [[5,4],[0,1]]?
On 4/16/2013 2:40 PM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> How can I get the coefficients of a polynomial in x?
> Clearly I first put into into CRE form with main variable x:
> poly: rat(input_poly,x)$
> Then what? The internal form of the CRE lets you just "read off" the
> coefficients at this point, but I can't think of any Maxima function
> that lets you access that.
> I can loop like this:
> coefs(p,v):=block([l:[]],while p # 0 do
> (l:cons(r:ratcoef(p,v,0),l),p:(p-r)/v),l)
better would be somegthing like this (no division, no re-ratting.)
coefs(p,v) := (p:rat(p,v), block([l:[]], while p#0 for i:hipow(p,v)
step -1 thru 0 do( l:cons(r:ratcoef(p,v,i), p:p-r*v^i)) , l));
> but that seems like an awful lot of work (/n/ polynomial divisions).
> It also isn't very efficient for sparse polynomials like x^20000.
> You could do similar things with bothcoef or ratcoef, but again you
> end up building /n/ intermediate polynomials as you remove terms.
> You might think you could use ratcoef for i:0../n/, but how do you
> determine /n/? hipow is inefficient in that it converts the
> expression into general representation first (!).
> Am I missing some obvious solution, or do we need to add rat_hipow and
> rat_coeffs or something?
rat_hipow(p,x):= ?cadadr(rat(p,x))
> rat_hipow(x^3+a*x+1,x) => 3
> rat_coeffs(x^3+a*x+1,x) => [[3,1],[1,a],[0,1]]
> Edge cases to think about: CREs with negative powers, cf.
> ratcoef(1/x^3,x,-3) => 1, ratcoef(a/(b-x),x,-5) => -a*b^4, etc.
> -s
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