Getting the coefficients of a polynomial

Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at> writes:
> Well, if you're going to do the (grossly inefficient) hipow, then you
> don't need the p:p-r*v^i at all -- you can just pick off the ratcoefs
> directly.  And of course you don't re-rat each time -- I was assuming poly:
> rat(input_poly,x)$
> I agree about something like
>       rat_hipow(p,x):=    ?cadadr(rat(p,x))
> (with a bit of care for the edge and error cases).  My question was
> whether there already existed something like that or close to it.

Assuming not, would it make sense for hipow to be made more efficient
when dealing with expressions in CRE form?

Quickly thinking about it, hipow doesn't need to disrep something in CRE
form at all: If the variable we're interested in is one of the variables
in the car then we can just read the answer off. If not, presumably we
can just take the maximum power over the arguments (since we're looking
at a sum and we only care about powers in the coefficients). Am I
missing something?

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