Trying to obtain an explicit solution of a second order ODE

deltaquattro at writes:
> Hi, all,
> I have the following ODE:
> assume(C>0);
> de: 'diff(y,x,2)=-C*'diff(y,x)^2/y;
> ode2 solves it easily:
> ode2(de,y,x);
> (%o5) (y*%e^(log(y)*C))/(%k1*C+%k1)=x+%k2
> I would like to get an explicit solution, in order to check my own explicit
> solution found by hand. How can I do that? Thanks,

I think you want the "ic2" function. For example here's the general
solution to your equation, parameterised by the initial value y0 and
derivative dy0.

(%i12) assume(C>0)$

(%i13) de: 'diff(y,x,2)=-C*'diff(y,x)^2/y$

(%i14) soln: ode2(de,y,x)$

(%i15) ic2(soln, x=0, y=y0, 'diff(y,x)=dy0);
                            log(y) C
                        y %e                   y0
(%o15)               ------------------- = ----------- + x
                           C           C   dy0 C + dy0
                     dy0 y0  C + dy0 y0
(%i16) first (solve(%, y));
                             C             C + 1    - log(y) C
(%o16)          y = (dy0 x y0  (C + 1) + y0     ) %e

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