Trying to obtain an explicit solution of a second order ODE

Hopefully this will appear in the right thread:


thanks a lot for the answer. There was a small mistake in my ODE: the
correct one is

de: 'diff(y,x,2)=C*'diff(y,x)^2/y;

where C is positive, as before. I tried following again your steps, and
this time solve gives me back

(%o5) [y=%k1*y^C*(x*(1-C)+%k2*(1-C))]

This is basically ok: I just wonder why Maxima doesn't divide first and
second member by y^C. This doesn't seem to be related to the possibility of
y being 0, since adding


doesn't change the result. Anyway, this was enough to check that my manual
solution was correct (and that the one usually found in papers and books is
incomplete :) Thanks a lot,

Best Regards


2013/4/17 <deltaquattro at>

> Hi, all,
> I have the following ODE:
> assume(C>0);
> de: 'diff(y,x,2)=-C*'diff(y,x)^2/y;
> ode2 solves it easily:
> ode2(de,y,x);
> (%o5) (y*%e^(log(y)*C))/(%k1*C+%k1)=x+%k2
> I would like to get an explicit solution, in order to check my own
> explicit solution found by hand. How can I do that? Thanks,
> best regards
> deltaquattro