Halfway symbolic halfway numeric evaluation on wxMAXIMA

On 2013-04-17, Berns Buenaobra <berns.buenaobra at gmail.com> wrote:

> It seemed that when I started using real values on the my sheet towards the
> of end of my worksheet the earlier cells simply adapted and lost all my
> symbols and computed numerically?  Is the effect of say having assigned a
> value to a symbol say R:100, C:100e-6, L:35e-3 (from a problem in network
> analysis) global?

I don't understand what the problem is. Can you be more specific?
Perhaps you'll have to attach a screen capture of wxMaxima.

When an expression is evaluated, Maxima evaluates each symbol just once
(unless evaluation is modified by flags or quotes, and ignoring the
possibility of bugs). So if you have something like my_eq : x + y = z
and later x:100 and y:200, then evaluating my_eq yields just x + y = z
while ''my_eq (i.e., evaluation modified by quote-quote) yields 500 = z. 
Are you seeing something different? I'm pretty sure wxMaxima doesn't
change the evaluation policy.


Robert Dodier