suggestions for error control?

With this style of interaction, perhaps a worksheet system like wxMaxima
would work better for you.  You would just delete (or replace) the failing

You could also simply kill(%i23) for bad steps.

You might be able to automate the process if you have a standard convention
for errors (e.g. return value is ERROR).  Then you could write a simple
function that only stringout's non-ERROR cases.

But I'd think it's not just errors you want to delete, but also dead ends
-- you tried one approach, it didn't work, and you replaced it by another.


On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Sheldon Newhouse <sen1 at>wrote:

>  Hello,
>  I am looking for suggestions for error control in various maxima programs.
> As it stands now, most of my programs require the user to make sure that
> assumptions are valid in running routines.  If they fail, then the routines
> of course give errors.
>   Suppose I run such a routine which produces an error in a session and
> then I save the input with  stringout("my_file.mac",input).
>  In order to reload the file "my_file.mac" I have to edit it  and remove
> the routine which caused the error or the command
>   load(my_file)
>  will fail.
> In a typical session in which errors are introduced they are subsequently
> fixed and one continues.
> But, later saving and reloading with "stringout" does not remove the
> earlier bad routines (unless one looks back and avoids the offending
> command numbers, etc.). The latter is cumbersome to say the least after
> many screens have scrolled up.
> Some time ago I started putting in error control subroutines in each
> function so that the errors would not impede reloading after the stringout
> save commands.  This is also quite cumbersome, so I am back to the re-edit
> before reload procedure.
> Is there some setting or command which can automatically be loaded at the
> beginning of a session so that repeated use of saving and loading sessions
> will work even if errors are introduced as a file is being loaded?
> TIA,
>  -sen
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sheldon E. Newhouse                  |    e-mail: sen1 at   |
> Mathematics Department            |
> Michigan State University            |   telephone: 517-355-9684
> |
> E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA   |       FAX: 517-432-1562
> |
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