maxima is more than 500 times slower than maple

Hello, list. I have to verify the Lorentz structure of some quantity. I 
wrote a wxmaxima program to do this. The program was running about 20 
hours, but gave no answer, so i just killed it.

In laboratory i have access to the maple. The SAME program written on 
maple gave answer in 1.5 minutes.

I have written a test subroutine to compare evaluation time on both 
systems, see (%i 19) maxima cell and next to last maple cell.

Maple takes about 0.5 seconds to run the cell, while maxima takes about 
250 seconds  to do the same (the outputs are the same, so there is no 
mistake here).

The wxmaxima and maple files are attached.
So, what is going on here, why maxima is so slow?
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